Friday, January 6, 2017

The 6 Law of Attraction Keys


Have an idea of what you are calling fourth. Have a dream. Have a wish. Have a vision or a picture, of "what you say you want."


Desire is excitement, exhilaration..passion. The thing that you say you want must be accompanied with strong energy such as desire.
The strong emotion/energy actually energizes and fuels your vision.
You must have STRONG, INTENSE, RAW energy, for the manifestation of that idea or the reality of that thing you are calling in.

3.Belief. (Believe it to see it.)

You have to BELIEVE that you deserve this thing you say you want.
If you don't BELIEVE that you are capable of manifesting the object of your desire, If you don't BELIEVE you deserve it, How can it manifest? No matter how much desire you have, no matter how much vision you may have, no matter how clear that vision may be.....
If you do not believe that it is possible, it is not possible.
So get in touch with the idea of what you DO believe, and find out what you would PREFER to BELIEVE..... And then know.
Know, know, know, know, KNOW. Open your Heart and KNOW.

5. Accept it.

Vision, Desire, Belief, ACCEPTANCE.
You must totally accept yourself, and the new belief, as TRUTH, just as you've accepted the old belief to be "TRUTH," without question.
"Beyond a Shadow of a Doubt". Total acceptance of yourself, that it is possible for you to manifest this idea.


You must INTEND to manifest it. You can "want" something, but you may not necessary INTEND, with your will, with your focus, to manifest it. So you must have the INTENTION to do so. It must be a Conscious CHOICE. Focus. Intention and Will. .

6. LET it GO. (The Universe got your back)

You have to Let it Go and allow. KNOW, that everything is already Perfect as it is. All the details will work themselves out automatically. You do not have to worry about how it manifests, it will manifest automatically in the best possible way, IF you build up that intensity of INTENTION. Simply, let it go, no expectation, no structure, no insistence, just allowance.

And .....AbraCaDabra!

We dont need to learn to manifest, we must understand how we are already manifesting.

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